Alloy Das (অলয়)
I'm currently a Project Linked Person (Research Assistant) at CVPRU, the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, in which I conduct research in computer vision and machine learning. Prof. Umapada Pal is my supervisor.
Top-venue Conference publications (Sep 2024): 1 X WACV 2025 , (Jan 2024): 1 X ICRA 2024, (Oct 2023): 1 X WACV 2024
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Research Interests
Deep Learning and its uses in computer vision problems are the main areas of my research interest. In the recent years, I have studied a variety of subjects, such as medical image processing, scene text editing, object detection, and scene text recognition. I'm currently looking for PhD options and would be very interested in working with others on research projects focused on computer vision and machine learning.
Selected Publications
New Deep Spatio-Structural Features of Handwritten Text Lines for Document Age Classification
P. Shivakumara, A. Das, KS. Raghunandan, U. Pal, M. Blumenstein
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Automatic detection of COVID-19 from chest x-ray images using deep learning model
A. Das, R. Agarwal, R. Singh, A. Chowdhury, D. Nandi.
AIP Conference Proceedings
U-Net Based Optic Cup and Disk Segmentation from Retinal Fundus Images via Entropy Sampling
A. Chowdhury, R. Agarwal, A. Das, D. Nandi.
Advanced Computational Paradigms and Hybrid Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of ICACCP 2021
SE2EOSP: A New Soft-Set-MSER based End-to-End Model for Occluded Scene Text Detection, Recognition, and Prediction
Supervisor: Prof. Umapada Pal
Timeline: January, 2022 - October, 2022
The details of this project will be released soon.